Elk Portal Workshop

I have some exciting news to share! As many of you know I have been fortunate to train with Marv and Shanon Harwood, founders of Kimmapii School of Shamanism, for over a decade. Two years ago I began attending their Portals series in Portland, Oregon hosted by my shamanic mentor and friend Elaine La Joie. The experiences I’ve had during and after these workshops have added immeasurably to my personal and professional practice and I’m so happy to have the opportunity to invite you to join me. I’ve included the flyer I designed for the event below, so please feel free to share this blog post and flyer with anyone you feel may be interested! Feel free to ask questions in the comments below or email me.

First, what are Portals? Portals are Shamanic gateways to worlds beyond our consciousness where true healing exists and miracles happen. The Portals have been designed with both animistic and energetic paths in tandem so that each person gathers the knowledge and skills to create an Amopistaan - their personal animistic mesa.

The Portals Series is open to everyone.  No pre-requisites are required for any of the individual workshops. You may attend them in any order, at any of their teaching locations when offered. There are a total of 9 Portals, so it’s a great time to join this wonderful community and learn from two incredible Shaman.

From April 3-5, we will have the opportunity to walk with Elk and learn their medicine. Each Portal has an animal emissary through which we gain access to the Portal and from whom we learn attributes and wisdom. Like all shamanic work, we need to experience it for ourselves. So I invite you to get to know a little about Elk here and then come join me in the upcoming Portal!

To work with Elk, we must work with both the masculine and feminine aspects, creating a beautiful balance within ourselves and in our own lives as a result. Elk in the Blackfoot language is Ponoka, for the masculine and Wapiti for the feminine. The name Elk evokes an image of a mighty bull elk standing in a forest glade - head back - huge antlers - bugling his call of defiance to the world and ALL challengers.  Immoveable.  Stalwart.  Self-Assured. Powerful. Elk is about standing your ground - claiming your individuality and becoming your own person. Elk is also about having a clear understanding of past influences and breaking free of them.  Elk is about carving out your place in the wilderness of life... about claiming that place and making it distinctly YOURS.  And while the bull is making and claiming his place in the world for himself and his community (harem), his partner is creating a nurturing community, safe under his protection. A beautiful display of the interweaving of great power and gentle caring to create BALANCE.  Nature's example of the power of polar opposites.

I’m really looking forward to exploring Elk medicine and the balance of masculine and feminine energies. So often we are taught about the sacred masculine and sacred feminine through the skewed lens of gender and society. Elk gives us the chance to move beyond that to heal and create balance within us and through us. In a time of great imbalance, Elk is the medicine we need. Check out the flyer and details below!




Friday Registration: 4-5 PM / Friday Class: 5-9 PM

Saturday: 9 AM - 8 PM

Sunday: 9 AM - 5 PM



 Send email to: coachelaine@clearreflectioncoaching.com or call Elaine at: (503) 319-2239


Send via PayPal to coachelaine@comcast.net


Escape and Paint

12830 SW Canyon Rd

Beaverton, OR 97005  (map)