Vanessa is an incredibly gifted Shaman who has greatly assisted me in so many ways. Over the years I have worked with her, she has helped me heal generational imprints, become aware of self sabotaging behaviors, and provided me with the tools and insights that have helped me to recognize my true power and  begin creating a life that I love! Vanessa is of the highest integrity and I highly recommend her to anyone ready to do the healing work to transform their lives.

  • Katherine K.

I began regular Energy Healing Sessions with Vanessa 3 ½ years ago because I felt stuck in my life and in relationship patterns. At the time, I had gone as far as I could with my personal growth and healing through the means of traditional psychotherapy and I hoped that Shamanic work might help me be able to move forward. And it has helped me move forward in the most amazing, healing way! In energy healing sessions with Vanessa, her skill as a shaman has supported me through a deeply challenging and rewarding process of clearing entrenched, old life and energy patterns. Vanessa's capacities and process have supported me in learning to claim my power to create my own joyous, free life. As a result of the energy healing process with Vanessa, I feel that I have transformed and that I am truly myself now--at last. I feel the energy healing process with Vanessa is immeasurably valuable. I am deeply grateful to Vanessa for her example and for sharing her powerful energy healing practices!

  • Julie W.

Vanessa is a gifted intuitive and shaman who has guided me--sometimes gently, sometimes forcefully, but always with tremendous support--through the process of gaining greater clarity on the root issues impacting the choices I make, and coming to recognize what is standing in the way of my full realization of those things I may still be struggling to manifest.  The perspective Vanessa brings as a shaman, and the tools our work together has provided, have both shifted my awareness of myself, and helped me to stay conscious of the old messaging and habits that may hold me back in any given moment.  Our work over the years has very much been like peeling back the layers of an onion, each session building on the work of previous sessions, and allowing me to identify and heal wounds I may not have been ready or willing to address on Day One.  Whether I am feeling emotionally "stuck" in regards to a particularly challenging experience, or I am more generally looking to transform an energetic pattern in my life, Vanessa is a wonderful coach and healer, and working with her is an instrument for effecting real and lasting personal change.

  • Autumn R.

Immediately following our first session, I began to feel SO MUCH BETTER. I no longer carried the emotional weight that once hung so heavily on my heart. I believe wholeheartedly in Vanessa's healing abilities and would recommend her to anyone searching for shamanic guidance. Vanessa's intuition and shamanic skills can help anyone reground, center, and return to their true path.”

  • Brandi M.

“I love working with Vanessa. Her skills and experience give me a very different perspective and different tools to work with to gain insight and heal myself and my life. Being a “closet intuitive,” this approach has a good feel for me and is not limited by conventional standards of being logical or linear. Not that any of the work I have done in the past was all for naught. It all prepared me for this moment with Vanessa, and now I feel like I am moving at an accelerated pace. Vanessa provides an amazing amount of guidance, encouragement and support.”

  • Mary S,